Looking Glass Quotes 1.1 Order Form Looking Glass Technologies PO Box 8636 Endwell, NY 13762-8636 Registered users will receive technical support, immediate upgrade to the current release of the program and the full quote database (with over 1,600 quotes), plus one year of free, automatic upgrades to the quote database and the program. If you register less than two weeks before we begin shipping a new version of the product, we will hold your order and send you only the new release, and extend your registration period accordingly. Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ (optional) Disk size: [ ] 3.5" 1.44M [ ] 5.25" 1.2M E-mail address(es): ___________________________________________________ How did you hear about Looking Glass Quotes? __________________________ The fee for a single-user license is $12.95U.S., payable by check or money order in U.S. dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. (Residents of Canada can pay with a Canadian Post Office money order made out in U.S. dollars.) This price includes shipping and handling to destinations in North America. Residents of New York State must add 8% sales tax, and customers outside North America must add $3U.S. shipping. Prices are guaranteed until June 30, 1995.